Bill Mayville
From: Las Vegas Nevada * R.I.P.
Posted 15 Feb 2008 7:06 am
I'm going to do it again.The things shown will be """"""" use of the X lever.Where 7th's and 6 notes go,Some passing chords,and a few things to get you to the four chord,and or five chord.The two minor chord and it's importance.The importance of the AF position.
For instance.C to A7.A different way.8/86&5 to 10/86&5BD, or 10/86&5ABD then release the A pedal.
These simple things may open a few doors,as most lessons I think are too complicated for some to catch on to.Some may find this material helpful.May even help Calvin,my neglected friend.
If interested just send address.
Bill Mayville _________________ Bill Mayville
06 Jackson Commemorative ,S 10
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