CrowBear Schmitt
From: Ariege, - PairO'knees, - France
Posted 19 Sep 2001 9:43 am
i just got back from a week off and have now access to y'all.
i'm a week late but at least i've had time (not enough tho') to calm down and get my spirits back together.
Retaliation ? Hell Yes !
but no Blind retaliation please.
well prepared, well thought out, and in many domains other than just military.
this is not conventional warfare.
Europe has had to deal w: terrorist actions since the Olympic games in Munich.
Since the Islamic revolution in Iran, the Fatwa or Holy war was decreed against the big and the little Satan.
Europe has been at war since. Israel even more.
over the last 20 years, i've had the TV on while havin' dinner. i have been to Beirut, Teheran, Damascus, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Gaza, Kabuhl, Mogadiscio,Tripoli, Koweit City, Baghdad, Sarajevo, and now Islamabad.
Thank God i stop eatin every once in a while cause i've been gettin' "blasé" from watchin'
all this.
Now where did the rulers of these great Nations get there Training or Harbour when in time of need.
France, England, USA
we created the sons of ... !
Now we gotta rub 'em out so they can't do no more harm.
Well, let's get the Bastards and get it over with.
Religions have often caused too many deaths.
some have God on their Money, Some had God on their belt buckles, some have God on their turbans and flags.
some of us here are sayin:
Jesus, please come back, they are mad !
the only light i see is still comin out my TV
Money, Sex, and Violence.
God loves all his Children and created Man to his image. Leavin' us on Earth to accomplish what ?
if Hell is any worse than here, well i sure don't want to go there.
but i believe we are condemned to return here until we get it right.
i would very much like to hear what the Dalai Lama has to say bout these events
Steel tryin to think before i leap.
Craig Allen
Posted 19 Sep 2001 7:31 pm
Well, .....Let's see............
I think the times article is on the money.
I think the article equating the Taleban with the Nazi's might be close. I would not equate the Afghani people with the Hebrews. They conciously let this happen to them. (They went willingly)
These people come to this country to get educated; take advantage of our Capitolistic ways, and our openess, then stick it right up our asses.
Unfortunately We the People, created this monster, and a couple of others. (Noriaga/Hussain come to mind) And, we've supplied all of these dipshitz with the weapons, and technoligy, that will no doubt be used against us now.
As a combat veteran, I can tell you that sometimes innocents aren't innocent. And since there is no good way to sort the good from the bad, well..............stuff happens.
We can't afford to turn the other cheek, yet another time. Enough is enough already.
Nuke Em Till They Glow.
I shouldn't have to get frisked to get on an airplane in the United States, and I always carry a pocket knife........
And one more thing, Traitors should be Hung by the Neck until DEAD. If you get convicted of comiting treason, you should swing.(Publicly)
As far as these fools are concerned in Afghanistan, They beleive in an eye for an eye. Take it from there.
OK, I've vented
Bon Chance |