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Dave Van Allen

Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Post  Posted 16 Dec 2007 5:15 pm    
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after meeting them here online.

I got to meet and chat with Forumite Dave Mudgett last night.He showed up on a cold and snowy night after his gig to hear me sit in with the Youngers. I admit I was exhausted @ night's end, but we got to sit a while 'round about last call and shoot the breeze about the usual... reliable modern guitars, old wood body guitars with tone from heaven,old fender amps, and life choices.

It was good to finally meet you and shake your hand Dave Smile next time we'll make it a longer visit.
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Dave Mudgett

Central Pennsylvania and Gallatin, Tennessee
Post  Posted 16 Dec 2007 7:45 pm    
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Dave - it was great to get a chance to talk to you. Glad you made it home OK - hope the ice & sleet on Seven Mountains wasn't too bad. Definitely a rough night last night - not a lot of people out, it was like a skating rink in places. Traveling and working in this kind of weather is enough to wear anybody out. At some traveling gigs, I'm so whipped that I can't deal with anything else. You were most gracious.

For those of you in the Northeast - you should catch Dave whenever you can. He's a real fine player. Between his hands, his Zum, and his '68 Twin Reverb, he has "the tone", believe me.

Forum member Carl Houtz stopped in at our gig up at Otto's. Carl, it was great to finally get to meet you. I wish I hadn't been so frazzled getting there late from a work party. I promise that as soon as this crazy semester is over, I do truly want to put some people together and play some country music. Smile

It's obvious that I need to get outta Dodge more often and meet more of you guys. I agree with Dave - it is great to meet y'all.
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