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Author Topic:  Nashville 1000 Amplifier
Mike Brown


Meridian, Mississippi USA
Post  Posted 24 Nov 1999 7:32 am    
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I am pleased to announce that Stu Basore has chosen to use the Peavey Nashville 1000 amplifiers for his studio and live performances.

Back in May of this year, Jeff Newman held a "jam" at a Nashville rehearsal facility and Peavey was asked to provide the amplifiers for this event. Stu was a participant for this event as well as Lloyd Green, Robbie Turner, Jeff, Randy Beavers, Hal Rugg, Paul Franklin, Mike Johnson, Jimmy Crawford and Johnny Cox.

To avoid the having to sell tickets, provide concessions, and all of the other requirements for a event such as this, the players chose the participants for this event. These players also chose the bassist and the drummer. All steel guitarists got a chance to try out the new Peavey Nashville 1000 amps at this event.

The wives provided the snacks and a good time was had by all. Welcome aboard Stu, to the growing list of Nashville 1000 users.
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